Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Mark Twain, one of the most renowned American writers of all time, is a name familiar to most of us. While it is well known that Samuel Clemens used "Mark Twain" as an alias, few are aware that the pseudonym came from language used by those who once ran the great riverboats in the 1800s: leadsmen would use the term to signify that the waters ahead were safe.John Seelye, a consulting editor for Penguin Classics in American Literature, provides an intellectual historical biography of Samuel Clemens in the introduction. Readers will be taken on a tale of the rise and fall of Clemens’ fortunes, the loss of family and, finally, of hope. The Introduction and foreword create an impression of Clemens as an eccentric character with some self-destructive habits. As a writer, he was a humorist with a burning desire to preserve the days of his youth. His first major book was published in 1869, his last in 1894 – in total, the author published at least 12 books in his lifetime.Nothing is held back from the reader in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Superstition and slaves are intermixed with poverty, hunger and adventure. See the world in the nineteenth century. In fact, view the world as you once did, where time froze as you became entranced by the inchworm’s antics, when you once took notice of the hairs on a blade of grass.Tom is like a young colt, full of uninhibited emotion. He is not mischievous nor does he have a bone of evil in him, yet he is involved in all kinds of adventures, including saving an innocent man, falling in love, and discovering treasure. His lack of interest in school is contradicted by his sharp intelligence, ability to memorize entire plays, and love of reading.Supporting characters may soon become the reader’s favorite. Poor Aunt Polly, who fusses over him in an effort to make Tom conform, is frustrated by his wildness. Tom’s best friends, Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn, often join him on his wild and sometimes scary adventures.The original publication of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was in 1876. Norman Rockwell’s work graces the cover of the most recent publication of this children’s classic. This image depicts a scene in the book where Tom fools the neighborhood children into doing his assigned chore.Of particular interest is how Twain creatively refers to other classic literature of the time such as Robin Hood, The Black Avenger and Byron. Helpful explanatory notes reveal the historical significance of some of the scenes in the book and define terms we no longer use in modern times. Located at the back of the book are recommended resources, which are sub-grouped into three headings: biography, social and cultural studies, and criticism.
When was IIT Madras established ?
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras was established in the year 1959. It is the third IIT among the seven IITs established by the Ministry of Human Resources.
Where is IIT-Madras located ?
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras is situated on Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, between Raj Bhavan and the Guindy National Park. The other landmarks nearby IIT Madras are CLRI and Anna university.
How do I obtain information about the other IIT's ?
The best sources of information are the webpages of the respective IITs. Please look under 'Other IITs' link given at the bottom of this home page.
How do I contact IITM ?
The working hours at IIT are as follows: Academic Programmes 8:00 a.m. - 4:30p.m. Administration: 9:00 a.m - 5:30 p.m More details are given under 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of this page.
What is IIT's Quality policy ?
Please follow the given link 'Quality Policy' under 'About IITM'.
Who are the Administrative Heads of IITM ?
Director of IITM - Prof.M S Ananth Dean Administration - Singaperumal MDean Academic Courses - Prof. S. Santhakumar Dean Academic Research - Krishnaiah K Dean IC & SR - Narendran T T Dean Students - Prof. V. G. IdichandyDean Planning - Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi
What is the hierarchy of Administration at IITM ?
Administration at IITM is divided into 3 categories: The Board of Governors, Academic Administration, and Central Administration. Please see the 'Organizational chart' under 'Administration' menu.
Where can I find information about Alumni of IITM ?
Check with the database maintained by the Alumni Association. Tel : 2257-8390; Fax :2235 0509; E.mail : alumni[at]iitm.ac.in You may also want to look at the Alumni Web site at http://www.iitmaa.org
I am an ex IITian, How do I obtain transcripts /certificates from IIT ?
To know how to get transcripts, Please click on 'Transcripts' under 'Academics' menu.
I couldn't find a person on the online directory. What do I do ?
Either you have spelt his/her name wrong, or we do not have a student or faculty member with that name. There is a very small chance that our database is incomplete and if you cannot locate a person who is certainly known to be in IIT Madras, please send your feedback to Webmaster.
Where can I find more information about the history of the IIT's ?
Please look under 'About IITM' in the IITM Home page.
Where can I look for employment opportunities at IITM ?
Advertisements are published in major dailies periodically. Notices are also put up at prominent places inside the campus. You could also watch the advertisements' link in the IITM home page. Faculty openings at Assistant Professor level are always open.
Are outsiders allowed to use the library facilities of IIT?
Yes, if your organisation is a corporate/Alumni/Institutional member of IIT Madras library. All others can avail the library facilities as temporary users/visitors.
How do I give comments about this web-site ?
You can use the Feedback Form to give your comments and suggestions. You can send an email to the webmaster for any specific query.
How do I get into IIT ?
You have to qualify in JEE to get into the B.Tech programmes, or GATE to get into the M.Tech programmes. Please look for 'admissions' under 'academics' in the home poge.
How do I prepare for JEE/GATE ?
You may want to look at "IIT Aspirants" link on the bottom of the home page.
Whom do I contact for doubts regarding the admission ?
Information about admissions can be obtained from the Academic Section in the Administrative Block. Also check out the Newspapers for the Institute advertisements. IITM webpage also carries this information under 'Contact us'.
Do reservations apply for admissions into IIT ?
Yes, Reservations exist for students belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Physically Handicapped and for children of Defence personnel killed in action or permanently disabled.
What are the courses offered at IITM ?
IITM offers many courses at UG and PG level. Please refer to 'courses offred' under 'Academics'.
Does IIT have continuing education programmes?
Yes, IIT does have a centre for continuing education which conducts various programmes. For more information visit their website at http://www.cce.iitm.ac.in
Does IITM undertakes industry-sponsored research programs ?
Yes, our Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research Centre (ICSR), undertakes sponsored projects i.e. specific assignments proposed by the faculty. These projects are normally funded by national organisations and quite often by Government agencies. As part of Industrial Consultancy, the Institute also takes up assignments of direct relevance to the Industry. For more Information please check the link 'IC&SR'.
Does IITM have a students exchange program ?
Yes, IIT Madras has a student exchange program for graduate students and for undergraduate students of some branches. For more information check 'students exchange programmes' under academics.
What are my options after graduating from IITM ?
Most of the students find employment through the placement cell of the Institute. Some go for higher studies in India/abroad. A few join IAS or IIMs. Some students have also started companies of their own.
What are the co-curricular activities at IITM?/How do I relax in there ?
At IIT co-curricular activities and competitions go on round the year. There are three festivals which are well known all over India : Saarang, the cultural festival; Shaastra, a science festival; and Bharat Utsav, a festival on India.
Are there good sports facilities in IITM ?
Yes, we have a stadium where international cricket matches have been held. Two smaller grounds, an Olympic sized swimming pool and other facilities a sports enthusiast might ask for. There are regular Intra and Inter IIT competitions besides tournaments such as the Sportstar trophy and the Gerhard Fischer-Kokila Rajaiah Cup.
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras was established in the year 1959. It is the third IIT among the seven IITs established by the Ministry of Human Resources.
Where is IIT-Madras located ?
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras is situated on Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, between Raj Bhavan and the Guindy National Park. The other landmarks nearby IIT Madras are CLRI and Anna university.
How do I obtain information about the other IIT's ?
The best sources of information are the webpages of the respective IITs. Please look under 'Other IITs' link given at the bottom of this home page.
How do I contact IITM ?
The working hours at IIT are as follows: Academic Programmes 8:00 a.m. - 4:30p.m. Administration: 9:00 a.m - 5:30 p.m More details are given under 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of this page.
What is IIT's Quality policy ?
Please follow the given link 'Quality Policy' under 'About IITM'.
Who are the Administrative Heads of IITM ?
Director of IITM - Prof.M S Ananth Dean Administration - Singaperumal MDean Academic Courses - Prof. S. Santhakumar Dean Academic Research - Krishnaiah K Dean IC & SR - Narendran T T Dean Students - Prof. V. G. IdichandyDean Planning - Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi
What is the hierarchy of Administration at IITM ?
Administration at IITM is divided into 3 categories: The Board of Governors, Academic Administration, and Central Administration. Please see the 'Organizational chart' under 'Administration' menu.
Where can I find information about Alumni of IITM ?
Check with the database maintained by the Alumni Association. Tel : 2257-8390; Fax :2235 0509; E.mail : alumni[at]iitm.ac.in You may also want to look at the Alumni Web site at http://www.iitmaa.org
I am an ex IITian, How do I obtain transcripts /certificates from IIT ?
To know how to get transcripts, Please click on 'Transcripts' under 'Academics' menu.
I couldn't find a person on the online directory. What do I do ?
Either you have spelt his/her name wrong, or we do not have a student or faculty member with that name. There is a very small chance that our database is incomplete and if you cannot locate a person who is certainly known to be in IIT Madras, please send your feedback to Webmaster.
Where can I find more information about the history of the IIT's ?
Please look under 'About IITM' in the IITM Home page.
Where can I look for employment opportunities at IITM ?
Advertisements are published in major dailies periodically. Notices are also put up at prominent places inside the campus. You could also watch the advertisements' link in the IITM home page. Faculty openings at Assistant Professor level are always open.
Are outsiders allowed to use the library facilities of IIT?
Yes, if your organisation is a corporate/Alumni/Institutional member of IIT Madras library. All others can avail the library facilities as temporary users/visitors.
How do I give comments about this web-site ?
You can use the Feedback Form to give your comments and suggestions. You can send an email to the webmaster for any specific query.
How do I get into IIT ?
You have to qualify in JEE to get into the B.Tech programmes, or GATE to get into the M.Tech programmes. Please look for 'admissions' under 'academics' in the home poge.
How do I prepare for JEE/GATE ?
You may want to look at "IIT Aspirants" link on the bottom of the home page.
Whom do I contact for doubts regarding the admission ?
Information about admissions can be obtained from the Academic Section in the Administrative Block. Also check out the Newspapers for the Institute advertisements. IITM webpage also carries this information under 'Contact us'.
Do reservations apply for admissions into IIT ?
Yes, Reservations exist for students belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Physically Handicapped and for children of Defence personnel killed in action or permanently disabled.
What are the courses offered at IITM ?
IITM offers many courses at UG and PG level. Please refer to 'courses offred' under 'Academics'.
Does IIT have continuing education programmes?
Yes, IIT does have a centre for continuing education which conducts various programmes. For more information visit their website at http://www.cce.iitm.ac.in
Does IITM undertakes industry-sponsored research programs ?
Yes, our Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research Centre (ICSR), undertakes sponsored projects i.e. specific assignments proposed by the faculty. These projects are normally funded by national organisations and quite often by Government agencies. As part of Industrial Consultancy, the Institute also takes up assignments of direct relevance to the Industry. For more Information please check the link 'IC&SR'.
Does IITM have a students exchange program ?
Yes, IIT Madras has a student exchange program for graduate students and for undergraduate students of some branches. For more information check 'students exchange programmes' under academics.
What are my options after graduating from IITM ?
Most of the students find employment through the placement cell of the Institute. Some go for higher studies in India/abroad. A few join IAS or IIMs. Some students have also started companies of their own.
What are the co-curricular activities at IITM?/How do I relax in there ?
At IIT co-curricular activities and competitions go on round the year. There are three festivals which are well known all over India : Saarang, the cultural festival; Shaastra, a science festival; and Bharat Utsav, a festival on India.
Are there good sports facilities in IITM ?
Yes, we have a stadium where international cricket matches have been held. Two smaller grounds, an Olympic sized swimming pool and other facilities a sports enthusiast might ask for. There are regular Intra and Inter IIT competitions besides tournaments such as the Sportstar trophy and the Gerhard Fischer-Kokila Rajaiah Cup.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
my favourite book's review
Aunt Polly searches and screams for Tom Sawyer: she wants to confront her nephew about some missing jam. Tom, however, is able to outwit his aunt and slips away. But Aunt Polly loves him so much she cannot be too harsh with him. She is concerned that he will play hooky that afternoon, and sure enough he does.
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During the afternoon, Tom meets a boy from St. Louis with whom he fights. That night at home, Tom’s clothes are so soiled from the fight that Aunt Polly punishes him by taking away his Saturday’s freedom and assigns him the unpleasant task of whitewashing the fence.
On Saturday morning, the forlorn Tom begins his tedious task of whitewashing the fence, fully aware that all of his friends are playing in the town’s square. As he begins his task, Aunt Polly’s slave, Jim, comes by and Tom tries to bribe him into helping, but Aunt Polly sends Jim on his business. Suddenly, Tom is horrified because one of his friends is about to come by and see him actually working on a Saturday morning. Tom pretends that what he is doing is not work because he is so thoroughly enjoying himself. Soon Ben wants to try his hand and offers Tom his apple. As Ben is painting, other friends come by and also want to try their hands at this fun game. Each boy gives Tom some sort of prize for allowing him to do some whitewashing, and Tom ends up with his fence whitewashed and a small treasury of gifts.
After the fence is painted, Tom heads for the square and, on the way, stops to watch a very pretty young girl who is moving into a house down the street. He shows off for her, and she pretends to ignore him. He is attracted to her and finds out her name is Becky Thatcher. He joins his friends in fun and games where he is the leader of an army which defeats the opposing army. The next day, Sunday, he is forced to attend Sunday school and is bored with the tedium but finds ways to distract himself.
Monday, after offering many excuses for not going to school, he is finally forced to go. On the way, he meets Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunk. Huck never goes to school and is the envy of all the boys because of his complete freedom. Huck arranges for Tom to meet him that night so they can bury a dead cat in the cemetery. At school, Tom is punished for being late and is required to sit in the “girls’ section.” This pleases him because the only empty seat is next to Becky Thatcher. At lunch, he meets her, and they pledge their troth to each other.
At midnight, Huck arrives, and they go to the cemetery where they come upon Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe, and Muff Potter who are digging up a recently buried corpse. There is an argument, Muff is knocked unconscious, and Injun Joe murders the doctor and places the murder weapon next to Muff. The horrified boys flee and take a blood oath never to reveal what they have seen. The next day, the town is in an uproar (school is dismissed), and Injun Joe identifies Muff Potter as the murderer. Tom is fearful that Injun Joe will discover that he was a witness.
Tom, his friend Joe Harper, and Huck Finn decide to become pirates. The three boys find a raft and establish camp on Jackson’s Island, where they enjoy a carefree life of fishing, swimming, smoking, and exploring and playing. When a steamboat filled with most of the important townspeople passes by firing cannons over the water, the boys realize that they are presumed to be drowned. Tom sneaks home at night in order to leave Aunt Polly a reassuring note that they are all right, but he changes his mind when he overhears that church services are planned for the “deceased boys” if they are not found by Sunday. The funeral services are secretly attended by the boys, and all rejoice when the dead boys casually stroll down the aisle.
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Back at school, Tom finally wins Becky’s heart when he takes the blame for one of her indiscretions and heroically suffers the punishment for her misdeeds.
At Muff Potter’s trial, it is generally accepted that Muff Potter killed Dr. Robinson and will be hanged. Tom, in spite of his oath with Huck to not reveal what he has seen, cannot stand to see an innocent person hanged for a crime he did not commit. He bravely relates what actually happened. Injun Joe makes his escape by jumping out the second story window.
One day, while Tom and Huck are looking for buried treasure, they explore an old abandoned house. When two men arrive, the boys are trapped upstairs. One man is Injun Joe in disguise. The two criminals retrieve a box of silver coins they had concealed and then, by chance, discover a horde of gold coins that had been buried by some outlaws long ago. They decide to take the gold coins to Injun Joe’s other hideout. The terrified boys overhear Injun Joe planning a horrible revenge before leaving the country. The boys fear that they are the subject of his planned vengeance but are fortunate enough to narrowly escape detection. The boys try to discover a place in town that would be the other hideout, but they only find a room filled with an abundant supply of whiskey in a Temperance Tavern.
At the picnic celebrating Becky Thatcher’s birthday, several of the boys and girls enter McDougal’s Cave. Tom and Becky wander away from the others in search of privacy and become hopelessly lost.
Meanwhile, Huck Finn, who is watching to discover Injun Joe’s hideout, follows the two men toward Cardiff Hill, the home of the Widow Douglas and of a Welshman named Jones. Hiding behind a bush, he overhears Injun Joe telling of his intentions to mutilate the Widow Douglas because her husband, the judge, had once had him publicly horsewhipped. Huck hastens to inform Mr. Jones of the plot, and the Welshman and his sons drive off the vicious Injun Joe and his cohort. Huck has been so frightened that he becomes seriously ill, and the Widow Douglas comes to the Welshman’s home and nurses the homeless boy back to health.
At the same time, it is discovered that Tom and Becky are missing; they have not been seen since the cave. All the available men in the community meet and carry out a thorough search of the cave. Tom and Becky hear the search party in the distance but are too weak to call loudly enough to be heard. At one point in their ordeal, Tom catches sight of Injun Joe in a nearby passage. After they have been underground for about three days, Tom discovers a way out of the cave. He and Becky then make their way back to the town.
Both are sick for a while, but Tom recovers more quickly than does Becky. Tom also discovers that Judge Thatcher has had the second exit to the cave completely sealed off. Tom reveals that Injun Joe was in the cave. In spite of Injun Joe’s evil, Tom cannot let any human face the ordeal of starving that he and Becky just endured. The men go back to the cave and discover Injun Joe’s body just inside the cave where he had futilely tried to dig his way out with a knife.
Later, Tom and Huck return to the cave and search for Injun Joe’s treasure. After many false starts and using various clues, they recover approximately $12,000 worth of gold coins. This money is invested for them, and they are rich. The Widow Douglas takes Huck into her home to educate him and train him in the ways of civilization. Huck finds schooling, not cussing, and all other things connected with civilization to be completely intolerable, and he runs away. He eventually agrees to give civilized living another try if he can join Tom’s band of robbers.
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document.getElementById('dclk87').src = 'http://ad.doubleclick.net/adi/CNSite/;navArea=CLIFFSNOTES2_LITERATURE;type=Lit_Note;kword=college;kword=highschool;kword=Mark_Twain;kword=American_literature;kword=19th_century;kword=novel;kword=fiction;kword=satire;kword=youth_literature;kword=adventure;kword=coming_of_age;contentItemId=2;tile=3;sz=300x250;ord=' + ord + '?';
During the afternoon, Tom meets a boy from St. Louis with whom he fights. That night at home, Tom’s clothes are so soiled from the fight that Aunt Polly punishes him by taking away his Saturday’s freedom and assigns him the unpleasant task of whitewashing the fence.
On Saturday morning, the forlorn Tom begins his tedious task of whitewashing the fence, fully aware that all of his friends are playing in the town’s square. As he begins his task, Aunt Polly’s slave, Jim, comes by and Tom tries to bribe him into helping, but Aunt Polly sends Jim on his business. Suddenly, Tom is horrified because one of his friends is about to come by and see him actually working on a Saturday morning. Tom pretends that what he is doing is not work because he is so thoroughly enjoying himself. Soon Ben wants to try his hand and offers Tom his apple. As Ben is painting, other friends come by and also want to try their hands at this fun game. Each boy gives Tom some sort of prize for allowing him to do some whitewashing, and Tom ends up with his fence whitewashed and a small treasury of gifts.
After the fence is painted, Tom heads for the square and, on the way, stops to watch a very pretty young girl who is moving into a house down the street. He shows off for her, and she pretends to ignore him. He is attracted to her and finds out her name is Becky Thatcher. He joins his friends in fun and games where he is the leader of an army which defeats the opposing army. The next day, Sunday, he is forced to attend Sunday school and is bored with the tedium but finds ways to distract himself.
Monday, after offering many excuses for not going to school, he is finally forced to go. On the way, he meets Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunk. Huck never goes to school and is the envy of all the boys because of his complete freedom. Huck arranges for Tom to meet him that night so they can bury a dead cat in the cemetery. At school, Tom is punished for being late and is required to sit in the “girls’ section.” This pleases him because the only empty seat is next to Becky Thatcher. At lunch, he meets her, and they pledge their troth to each other.
At midnight, Huck arrives, and they go to the cemetery where they come upon Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe, and Muff Potter who are digging up a recently buried corpse. There is an argument, Muff is knocked unconscious, and Injun Joe murders the doctor and places the murder weapon next to Muff. The horrified boys flee and take a blood oath never to reveal what they have seen. The next day, the town is in an uproar (school is dismissed), and Injun Joe identifies Muff Potter as the murderer. Tom is fearful that Injun Joe will discover that he was a witness.
Tom, his friend Joe Harper, and Huck Finn decide to become pirates. The three boys find a raft and establish camp on Jackson’s Island, where they enjoy a carefree life of fishing, swimming, smoking, and exploring and playing. When a steamboat filled with most of the important townspeople passes by firing cannons over the water, the boys realize that they are presumed to be drowned. Tom sneaks home at night in order to leave Aunt Polly a reassuring note that they are all right, but he changes his mind when he overhears that church services are planned for the “deceased boys” if they are not found by Sunday. The funeral services are secretly attended by the boys, and all rejoice when the dead boys casually stroll down the aisle.
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document.getElementById('dclk87').src = 'http://ad.doubleclick.net/adi/CNSite/;navArea=CLIFFSNOTES2_LITERATURE;type=Lit_Note;kword=college;kword=highschool;kword=Mark_Twain;kword=American_literature;kword=19th_century;kword=novel;kword=fiction;kword=satire;kword=youth_literature;kword=adventure;kword=coming_of_age;contentItemId=2;tile=3;sz=300x250;ord=' + ord + '?';
Back at school, Tom finally wins Becky’s heart when he takes the blame for one of her indiscretions and heroically suffers the punishment for her misdeeds.
At Muff Potter’s trial, it is generally accepted that Muff Potter killed Dr. Robinson and will be hanged. Tom, in spite of his oath with Huck to not reveal what he has seen, cannot stand to see an innocent person hanged for a crime he did not commit. He bravely relates what actually happened. Injun Joe makes his escape by jumping out the second story window.
One day, while Tom and Huck are looking for buried treasure, they explore an old abandoned house. When two men arrive, the boys are trapped upstairs. One man is Injun Joe in disguise. The two criminals retrieve a box of silver coins they had concealed and then, by chance, discover a horde of gold coins that had been buried by some outlaws long ago. They decide to take the gold coins to Injun Joe’s other hideout. The terrified boys overhear Injun Joe planning a horrible revenge before leaving the country. The boys fear that they are the subject of his planned vengeance but are fortunate enough to narrowly escape detection. The boys try to discover a place in town that would be the other hideout, but they only find a room filled with an abundant supply of whiskey in a Temperance Tavern.
At the picnic celebrating Becky Thatcher’s birthday, several of the boys and girls enter McDougal’s Cave. Tom and Becky wander away from the others in search of privacy and become hopelessly lost.
Meanwhile, Huck Finn, who is watching to discover Injun Joe’s hideout, follows the two men toward Cardiff Hill, the home of the Widow Douglas and of a Welshman named Jones. Hiding behind a bush, he overhears Injun Joe telling of his intentions to mutilate the Widow Douglas because her husband, the judge, had once had him publicly horsewhipped. Huck hastens to inform Mr. Jones of the plot, and the Welshman and his sons drive off the vicious Injun Joe and his cohort. Huck has been so frightened that he becomes seriously ill, and the Widow Douglas comes to the Welshman’s home and nurses the homeless boy back to health.
At the same time, it is discovered that Tom and Becky are missing; they have not been seen since the cave. All the available men in the community meet and carry out a thorough search of the cave. Tom and Becky hear the search party in the distance but are too weak to call loudly enough to be heard. At one point in their ordeal, Tom catches sight of Injun Joe in a nearby passage. After they have been underground for about three days, Tom discovers a way out of the cave. He and Becky then make their way back to the town.
Both are sick for a while, but Tom recovers more quickly than does Becky. Tom also discovers that Judge Thatcher has had the second exit to the cave completely sealed off. Tom reveals that Injun Joe was in the cave. In spite of Injun Joe’s evil, Tom cannot let any human face the ordeal of starving that he and Becky just endured. The men go back to the cave and discover Injun Joe’s body just inside the cave where he had futilely tried to dig his way out with a knife.
Later, Tom and Huck return to the cave and search for Injun Joe’s treasure. After many false starts and using various clues, they recover approximately $12,000 worth of gold coins. This money is invested for them, and they are rich. The Widow Douglas takes Huck into her home to educate him and train him in the ways of civilization. Huck finds schooling, not cussing, and all other things connected with civilization to be completely intolerable, and he runs away. He eventually agrees to give civilized living another try if he can join Tom’s band of robbers.
Monday, October 8, 2007
profile of the master blaster "sachin ramesh tendulkar"
Full Name: Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar Date of Birth: April 24, 1973 Place of Birth: Mumbai Major Teams: India, Mumbai Batting Style: Right -Hand Batsman Bowling Style: Right Arm Medium, Leg Break, Right Arm Off Break ODI Debut : India v Pakistan at Gujranwala, 2nd ODI, 1989/90 Test Debut : India v Pakistan at Karachi, 1st Test, 1989/90 Height : 5'5
In batting, he has reached a stage that others can only dream of. He has destroyed practically every bowling attack in the world. Tendulkar's 'specialties' include the straight drive (seemingly nobody plays the shot better than him), the cover drive, the square cut, the pullshot over midwicket/square leg, the delicate leg glance, the late cut, the lofted shots over mid-on and mid-off and not to mention the improvisations he keeps coming up with, time and again. He has tremendous power in his forearms and can hit the ball out of almost every ground in the World. He plays each of his shots amazingly and has even employed the reverse sweep to good effect. Some of his shots are hit with so much power that the ball simply rockets to the fence as if he was trying to dismiss the ball from his presence. On the other hand, some of his shots are neatly timed and placed well. His timing can be quite exquisite and it is this blend of timing and raw power which makes him the world's best/greatest batsman. Mentally very strong, Tendulkar is best when confronted by a challenge.
Full Name: Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar Date of Birth: April 24, 1973 Place of Birth: Mumbai Major Teams: India, Mumbai Batting Style: Right -Hand Batsman Bowling Style: Right Arm Medium, Leg Break, Right Arm Off Break ODI Debut : India v Pakistan at Gujranwala, 2nd ODI, 1989/90 Test Debut : India v Pakistan at Karachi, 1st Test, 1989/90 Height : 5'5
In batting, he has reached a stage that others can only dream of. He has destroyed practically every bowling attack in the world. Tendulkar's 'specialties' include the straight drive (seemingly nobody plays the shot better than him), the cover drive, the square cut, the pullshot over midwicket/square leg, the delicate leg glance, the late cut, the lofted shots over mid-on and mid-off and not to mention the improvisations he keeps coming up with, time and again. He has tremendous power in his forearms and can hit the ball out of almost every ground in the World. He plays each of his shots amazingly and has even employed the reverse sweep to good effect. Some of his shots are hit with so much power that the ball simply rockets to the fence as if he was trying to dismiss the ball from his presence. On the other hand, some of his shots are neatly timed and placed well. His timing can be quite exquisite and it is this blend of timing and raw power which makes him the world's best/greatest batsman. Mentally very strong, Tendulkar is best when confronted by a challenge.
Monuments in Agra India
Agra is one of the richest heritage sites in India where many amazing Mughal monuments can be found. Monuments in Agra India range from the magnificent Taj Mahal to sober tombs like Akbar's mausoleum at Sikandra. Agra is an architect's and historian's delight. The impressive Agra Fort, the tombs of Mughal royalty, formal Mughal gardens and the fabulous city of Fatehpur Sikri near Agra are historic sites in India. The monuments in Agra India have unique architectural features and represent the best examples of Mughal architecture in India.
You're sure to be amazed when you see the Mughal monuments in Agra India. The tremendous feats of engineering that resulted in the creation of massive structures such as the Buland Darwaza and the Jami Masjid in Fatehpur Sikri and the breathtaking Taj Mahal in Agra, are awe inspiring. The monuments in Agra continue to amaze architects and engineers in the present day, with their ingenious systems of water supply and natural cooling. Artists and historians appreciate the fine inlay work, the decorative devices and the synthesis of Indian and Persian elements seen in these monuments of the Indo-Saracenic school of Architecture, which flourished under the Mughal Empire. The monuments in Agra India are an enduring part of India's architectural heritage. Some of the monuments in Agra that you can see on tours to Agra India, with Agra Hub, are:
Agra Fort
Agra has many impressive monuments, which you can see on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. One of the most impressive monuments in Agra is the Agra Fort.The Agra Fort is situated on a bank of the River Yamuna in Agra. It was built during the years 1565 and 1574 by the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great. Later, his grandson, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, added to the palaces and structures within the fort. The Agra Fort has a mighty wall made of red sandstone, which runs for 2 ½ Kilometers around the perimeter of the fort. The main entrance to the Agra Fort is through a grand gateway called the Delhi Gate, which is decorated with inlay work in white marble. The Agra Fort is partially occupied by the Indian Army and sections of the fort are restricted for tourists. There is another entrance through which tourists can enter; this is called the Amar Singh Gate. After entering the Agra Fort, you will find yourself in the grand courtyard. The Diwan-i-Am or Hall of Public Audience and Diwan-i-Khas or Hall of Private Audience are located within the fort and contain examples of exquisite Mughal carvings on their many pillars. There are grand palaces, such as the Khas Mahal and the Shish Mahal, within the Agra Fort. The rooms in the palaces within the Agra Fort were kept cool by an ingenious system of water channels that ran through all the rooms keeping them cool as the water evaporated. The high ceilings and marble latticed screens also provided natural cooling and blocked out the intense rays of the sun. The mosques, Nagina Masjid and Mina Masjid, within the Agra Fort, were used by the royal family and the Mughal courtiers for prayer services and the Mina Bazar was a small market where the ladies of the Zenana could shop for perfumes, clothes, cosmetics, and jewellery. There are formal gardens with flowering plants and fruit trees in between the palaces within the Agra Fort. You're sure to feel transported back to Mughal times when you explore the Agra Fort on tours to Agra India, with Agra Hub.The Agra Fort is situated at a short distance from the Taj Mahal, less than 2 Kilometers away. Shah Jahan was imprisoned in the Agra Fort by his son Aurangzeb, when he took over the Mughal throne. Shah Jahan spent the last years of his life in the Agra Fort, where he is said to passed his days looking from the balcony of the Mussaman Burj, a tower in the Agra Fort, towards the Taj Mahal, where his beloved consort Mumtaz Mahal was buried. You can see the view of the Taj Mahal from the Agra Fort, on your tours to Agra India. Agra Hub offers tours to Agra, where you can see the majestic Agra Fort.
Rambagh Gardens Agra
The Rambagh Gardens in Agra, a beautiful Mughal pleasure Garden, are located 3 Km from the Tomb of Itimad ud Daulah and 500 m from the Chini Ka Rauza. You can visit the lovely Rambagh Gardens in Agra, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The Mughal Emperors of India, were very influenced by their Persian background. In Persia, the pleasure garden is an important part of the landscape of every city. The Mughal emperors introduced the same concept in India. In Islam, the garden is considered a representation of Paradise, a word derived from pairidesa, which means land of fairies. Devout Muslims should not only aspire to reach paradise but should strive to create its likeness on earth. Therefore the Mughal Emperors laid out many beautiful gardens to create a paradise within their kingdoms. You can see the beautiful Rambagh Gardens in Agra, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The Rambagh Gardens in Agra or the Bagh-i-Gul Afshan as they are also known, were created by the founder of the Mughal Empire, Babur. Nur Jahan, the Mughal Empress and wife of Jahangir made further additions to the Rambagh Gardens. The garden is laid out in the charbagh pattern, with four main divisions made by paths and waterways. Water is an important part of the Mughal gardens, since water is considered the source of life. Water from the Yamuna River, flows over 3 terraces in a series of cascades. Stairs on either side of the water channels, fountains, an island platform and two pavilions on either side of the main water channel, are added attractions of the Rambagh Gardens Agra, which you can see on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. It is believed that Babur was buried briefly in the Rambagh Gardens before being entombed in his grand mausoleum at Kabul. The Rambagh Gardens in Agra are a historic and beautiful sight that you'll enjoy seeing on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Dayalbagh Agra
Located 15 Km from Agra, Dayalbagh is a unique pilgrimage and tourist site in India. The memorial of Shiv Dayal Sahib the founder of the Radhasoami Satsang movement, who started this religious organization in 1861, is located in Dayalbagh, Agra. The Radhasoami movement combines elements from Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism and Buddhism. You can see the Radhasoami memorial in Dayalbagh Agra, on toursto Agra with Agra Hub.Shiv Dayal Sahib, who lived from 1818-1878 and was known as Soami Maharaj by his disciples, was the first of the Guru's or religious leaders of the Radhasoami sect. He is worshipped at this grand memorial that is a combination of temple, gurudwara, vihara and mosque. The Radhasoami memorial is 110 feet high, has impressive pillars and is made of pure white marble. The building is continuously under construction. Work has been going on at this building for over 100 years. The followers believe that tending the memorial is an ongoing process. You can see the work in progress at the Radhasoami memorial in Dayalbagh Agra, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The marble structure of the Radhasoami memorial at Dayalbagh Agra has fine pietra dura inlay work on the inner walls. You can actually see the work of pietra dura being carried out by the marble cutters and artisans working on the memorial in Dayalbagh Agra on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. Agra Hub offers you tours to Agra, which show you the historic monuments in Agra including the Radhasoami memorial at Dayalbagh Agra.
Fatehpur Sikri Agra
The heritage site of Fatehpur Sikri is located 40 kilometers from Agra India. You can see this magnificent city with its amazing monuments of red sandstone and marble, built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. According to legend, the Emperor Akbar, though he had many wives, did not have an heir. He went on a pilgrimage to Sheikh Salim Chisti, a Sufi saint who lived near Agra and sought his blessings. Akbar was blessed with an heir, who he named Salim, after the saint, in gratitude. (Salim later inherited the throne as the Mughal Emperor Jahangir.) The beautiful monuments at Fatehpur Sikri are a synthesis of Islamic and Hindu architecture reflecting the religious tolerance of Akbar. Akbar also founded a syncretic religion called Din-i-Illahi, which inspired some of the buildings at Fatehpur Sikri. The city of Fatehpur Sikri was built as a sign of the Emperor Akbar's gratitude to Sheikh Salim Chisti. Work on the city started in 1571 and was completed 15 years later. Agra Hub takes you on tours to Agra which include the historic destination of Fatehpur Sikri. Some of the grand structures at Fatehpur Sikri include the Panch Mahal, the Buland Darwaza, the tomb of Salim Chisti, the Jama Masjid Mosque and the life-size chessboard where courtiers could play the role of pieces. The architectural beauty of the monuments of Fatehpur Sikri have led to its being declared a World Heritage Site. Fatehpur Sikri is considered to be one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture in India. You can see the amazing monuments of Fatehpur Sikri on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The city of Fatehpur Sikri was abandoned shortly after Akbar's death because the lack of water made it difficult to sustain the city. The newly built city was deserted and remains in a pristine state, with the beautiful carvings and latticework on the buildings retained in their original state of preservation. You can see the heritage site of Fatehpur Sikri on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Buland Darwaza Agra
The Buland Darwaza is a grand gateway located in Fatehpur Sikri near Agra. This triumphal arch was built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar, when he defeated the king of Khandesh or Gujarat in 1573.The name Buland Darwaza means 'High Door' and this victory arch rises to a height of 40 meters or 175 feet. It is the most striking monument in Fatehpur Sikri and can be seen from quite a distance. Rising impressively towards the sky, the Buland Darwaza is approached by a series of steps. You will pass under the massive arch of the Buland Darwaza when you enter the city of Fatehpur Sikri. You can see the impressive Buland Darwaza on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.The Buland Darwaza is a magnificent structure built in red sandstone with decorations in white marble. With calligraphic inscriptions from the Quran on its front and pillars and chattris on its height, the Buland Darwaza is an impressive sight. The Buland Darwaza is also evidence of the religious tolerance of Akbar the Great. The inscription on the Buland Darwaza is attributed to Jesus Christ. It reads, "The World is but a bridge, pass over but build no houses on it." Situated on a hill where the Jama Masjid Mosque is located, the Buland Darwaza is the entrance gateway to the Jama Masjid mosque in Fatehpur Sikri near Agra India. The soaring gateway of the Buland Darwaza is one of the grandest of Mughal monuments and one that you should not miss, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah
One of the lesser-known monuments of Agra, the tomb of Itimad ud Daulah is sometimes called the 'Baby Taj' because of its resemblance to Agra's most famous monument. However Itmad ud Daulah's Tomb was built before the Taj Mahal. A number of its stylistic features, such as a tomb in white marble surrounded by a formal garden and the use of inlaywork in marble to create floral or geometric designs, inspired similar features of the Taj Mahal. You can see the beautiful tomb of Itmad ud Daulah, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.The tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah is located about 1½ Kilometers from the Taj Mahal. The marble building contains the tombs of Mirza Ghiyas Beg and his wife Asmat Begum. They were the parents of Queen Nur Jahan, the wife of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir. Mirza Ghiyas Beg rose to the rank of Prime Minister of the Mughal Empire during the reign of Jahangir and was granted the title Itmad-ud-Daulah, which means Pillar of the State. You can see his serene mausoleum on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. After Mirza Ghiyas Beg's death in 1622, the Empress Nur Jahan, completed this beautiful mausoleum to house his grave. The tomb had already been planned by her father before his death. It follows the charbagh pattern and is a white marble structure surrounded by green lawns. The tomb is 21 meters high and there are 4 minarets that are 12 meters tall, at each of the 4 corners of the marble platform. A similar pattern is reproduced in the Taj Mahal on a much larger scale. The marble inlay work at the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah, known as pietra dura, depicts a wine flask with snakes in place of handles on the inner walls of the tomb. Marble lattice screens let sunlight into the central chamber containing the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah. You're sure to feel transported back to Mughal times when you see the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah, on tours to Agra India, with Agra Hub.Agra Hub offers tours to Agra, where you can see the monuments of Agra, including the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah
Jama Masjid Agra
While traveling to Agra with Agra Hub, you will also visit the heritage destination of Fatehpur Sikri. Fatehpur Sikri has many grand monuments including the mosque known as the Jama Masjid.The Jama Masjid at Fatehpur Sikri, near Agra is also known as the Jami Masjid. The mosque is one of the largest in India. It was constructed in 1571 A.D. during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great. The mosque is built at a height due due its exalted purpose and has a large courtyard where the faithful can gather to pray. To the right of the mosque is the Jammat Khana hall and then the Zenana Rauza, or the tomb of the women of the royal household. Within the mosque complex you will find the shrine of the Sufi religious leader Sheikh Salim Chisti. The lattice marble screens of the tomb are amazing in their workmanship. The tomb was earlier built in red sandstone and parts of the original structure can also be seen. You can see the tomb of Sheikh Salim Chisti on tours of the Jama Masjid Agra with Agra Hub. The Jama Masjid is exquisitely decorated with inscriptions, inlaid geometric designs and colored tiles. The building is symmetrically proportioned and has an austere beauty, befitting its religious purpose. You can see the Jama Masjid Agra on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.The main entrance to the Jama Masjid mosque in Agra, is through the grand gateway known as the Buland Darwaza. Another entrance is though the Badshahi Darwaza. The Jama Masjid Agra is the center of the city of Fatehpur Sikri, which was built around it. You can see the city of Fatehpur Sikri and its heart the Jama Masjid, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra
A short distance from Agra, lies the tomb of the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great, in Sikandra. Akbar who ruled over the Mughal Empire from 1556 to 1605, began building his mausoleum in the spartan style of Timurid architecture. The mausoleum was completed by his son, the next Mughal Emperor, Jahangir, who added more decorative elements to the design of Akbar's tomb in Sikandra. You can see Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra, on tours to Agra, with Agra Hub. The entrance to Akbar's tomb in Sikandra is under a huge arched gateway, similar to the Buland Darwaza at Fatehpur Sikri. There are beautiful calligraphic inscriptions on the white marble front of the gate. As you enter the gate you will see a formal garden in the charbagh tradition, and the tomb of Akbar situated at the center. Within the same complex is another sober tomb made of red sandstone, which contains the grave of Akbar's wife Mariam, the mother of Jahangir. Akbar's tomb in Sikandra is built in a pyramidal shape, with an open terrace covered with carved latticework screens. The actual grave is in the basement and is decorated with paintings in colorful golden, green and blue hues on the stucco walls. While the tomb is not magnificent in the manner of the Taj Mahal, it has a quiet dignity that befits this regal emperor. There are lawns outside the impressive gateway, where deer can be seen. Birds nest in the trees leading to the gate and monkeys, which have got used to visitors, scamper up curiously hoping to be fed. The serene location of Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra makes it a quiet retreat, where you can spend some time admiring the architecture and wondering about the life and times of the greatest of the Mughal Emperors. Agra Hub offers tours to Agra, where you can see the monuments of Agra including Akbar's tomb in Sikandra.
Chini ka Rauza Agra
One of the lesser-known monuments of Agra is the tomb known as the Chini ka Rauza, which is situated 1 Kilometer north of Itimad ud Daulah's Tomb. You can see the historic Chini ka Rauza on tours of Agra with AgraHub.The Chini ka Rauza was built in 1635 and is the tomb of Allama Afzal Khan Mullah of Shiraz, a scholar and poet who was the Prime Minister of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. The tomb gets its name from the colorful tiles (chini) that cover the walls of the tomb. The tomb is built in a rectangular shape and is topped with a bulbous dome. The tomb itself is made of a brown colored stone and is crumbling away. The colorful enamel tiles in blue, green and yellow, that give the tomb its name can be seen on its walls. The walls and ceiling of the tomb are also decorated with inscriptions and inlay work. You can see these decorative elements in the Chini ka Rauza on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The central chamber of the Chini ka Rauza is octagonal in shape and has eight arched recesses. Four, square chambers emerge from the central chamber and are connected to the side halls and outer porches. The central arch through which you can enter the Chini ka Rauza features inscriptions marked out with blue colored tiles. Borders in blue green and yellow tiles surround these inscriptions. The Chini ka Rauza is a serene and charming tourist spot. You can see the Chini ka Rauza on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Taj Mahal Trivia
The Taj Mahal is a monument with a rich and colorful history. An immortal love story inspired the Taj Mahal and there's lots more Taj Mahal trivia and interesting details about this wondrous monument.
It is said that Shah Jahan wanted to build an equally grand tomb for himself on the other bank of the River Yamuna in Agra. His mausoleum would be made in black marble and the two monuments would complement each other in their design.
Mumtaz Mahal means "Exalted one of the Palace." This was what Shah Jahan called her. Her actual name was Arjumand Banu Begum.
The term Taj Mahal is possible a contraction of the Empress's name and means "Crown of the Palace"
Shah Jahan was known as Khurram before he ascended to the Mughal Throne.
Mumtaz Mahal was Shah Jahan's second wife, but was his favorite.
Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan had 14 children
20,000 laborers worked for 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.
1000 elephants were used to transport the materials required for the construction of the Taj Mahal.
The Taj Mahal is said to have been built at a cost of 32 million rupees.
The white marble used to construct the Taj Mahal, was brought from Makrana in Rajasthan India.
28 different kinds of semi-precious stones were used in the inlay work in the Taj Mahal.
These included Turquoise from Tibet, Sapphires from Sri Lanka and Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan.
The inlay work on the inner walls of the Taj Mahal is called pietra dura, which refers to the embedding of hard or durable stones within soft stones for decorative effect.
It is said that Shah Jahan wanted to ensure that his master craftsmen would not build anything as beautiful again and had their hands amputated or eyes put out, after the completion of the Taj Mahal.
The Taj mahal is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was added to the UNESCO list of world heritage sites in 1983, and described as "The jewel of Muslim art in India"
Humayun's Tomb, Delhi
Humayun's tomb lies on the Mathura road near its crossing with the Lodi Road. High rubble-built walls enclose here a square garden divided initially into four large squares separated by causeways and channels, each square divided again into smaller squares by pathways ('Chaharbagh') as in a typical Mughal Garden.
The lofty mausoleum is located in the centre of the enclosure and rises from a podium faced with series of cells with arched openings. The central octagonal chamber containing the cenotaph is encompassed by octagonal chambers at the diagonals and arched lobbies on the sides, their openings closed with perforated screens. Three emphatic arches dominate each side, the central one being the highest. This plan is repeated on the second storey, and a 42.5m high double dome of marble surmounts the roof with pillared kiosks ('chhatris') placed around it. The structure is built with red sandstone, but white and black marble has been used to relieve the monotony, the latter largely in the borders.
Qutab Minar, Delhi
In 1199, Qutub-ud-Din raised the Qutub Minar either as a victory tower or as a minaret to the adjacent mosque. From a base of 14.32m it tapers to 2.75m at a height of 72.5m and a valid reason why it took two decades to complete this monument.
Its a red sandstone tower covered with beautiful and striking carvings and is inscribed with verses from the holy Quran. Qutub Minar is still the highest stone tower in India as well as one of the finest Islamic structures ever raised and Delhi's recognised landmark. The sultan's successor and son-in-law, Iltutmish, completed it.In 1303, Ala-ud-Din established the second city of Delhi, called Siri, of which nothing remains but the embattlements. He also had dug a vast reservoir, Hauz Khas, to supply water to his city. Contemporary historians describe the Delhi of that time as being the "envy of Baghdad, the rival of Cairo and equal to Constantinople".For the sake of convenience, tourists visiting the Qutub Complex could also see the Tomb of Adham Khan and Zafar Mahal in Mehrauli and the Tomb of Jamali-Kamali behind the Qutub Minar. These however, belong to a later date.
Agra is one of the richest heritage sites in India where many amazing Mughal monuments can be found. Monuments in Agra India range from the magnificent Taj Mahal to sober tombs like Akbar's mausoleum at Sikandra. Agra is an architect's and historian's delight. The impressive Agra Fort, the tombs of Mughal royalty, formal Mughal gardens and the fabulous city of Fatehpur Sikri near Agra are historic sites in India. The monuments in Agra India have unique architectural features and represent the best examples of Mughal architecture in India.
You're sure to be amazed when you see the Mughal monuments in Agra India. The tremendous feats of engineering that resulted in the creation of massive structures such as the Buland Darwaza and the Jami Masjid in Fatehpur Sikri and the breathtaking Taj Mahal in Agra, are awe inspiring. The monuments in Agra continue to amaze architects and engineers in the present day, with their ingenious systems of water supply and natural cooling. Artists and historians appreciate the fine inlay work, the decorative devices and the synthesis of Indian and Persian elements seen in these monuments of the Indo-Saracenic school of Architecture, which flourished under the Mughal Empire. The monuments in Agra India are an enduring part of India's architectural heritage. Some of the monuments in Agra that you can see on tours to Agra India, with Agra Hub, are:
Agra Fort
Agra has many impressive monuments, which you can see on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. One of the most impressive monuments in Agra is the Agra Fort.The Agra Fort is situated on a bank of the River Yamuna in Agra. It was built during the years 1565 and 1574 by the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great. Later, his grandson, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, added to the palaces and structures within the fort. The Agra Fort has a mighty wall made of red sandstone, which runs for 2 ½ Kilometers around the perimeter of the fort. The main entrance to the Agra Fort is through a grand gateway called the Delhi Gate, which is decorated with inlay work in white marble. The Agra Fort is partially occupied by the Indian Army and sections of the fort are restricted for tourists. There is another entrance through which tourists can enter; this is called the Amar Singh Gate. After entering the Agra Fort, you will find yourself in the grand courtyard. The Diwan-i-Am or Hall of Public Audience and Diwan-i-Khas or Hall of Private Audience are located within the fort and contain examples of exquisite Mughal carvings on their many pillars. There are grand palaces, such as the Khas Mahal and the Shish Mahal, within the Agra Fort. The rooms in the palaces within the Agra Fort were kept cool by an ingenious system of water channels that ran through all the rooms keeping them cool as the water evaporated. The high ceilings and marble latticed screens also provided natural cooling and blocked out the intense rays of the sun. The mosques, Nagina Masjid and Mina Masjid, within the Agra Fort, were used by the royal family and the Mughal courtiers for prayer services and the Mina Bazar was a small market where the ladies of the Zenana could shop for perfumes, clothes, cosmetics, and jewellery. There are formal gardens with flowering plants and fruit trees in between the palaces within the Agra Fort. You're sure to feel transported back to Mughal times when you explore the Agra Fort on tours to Agra India, with Agra Hub.The Agra Fort is situated at a short distance from the Taj Mahal, less than 2 Kilometers away. Shah Jahan was imprisoned in the Agra Fort by his son Aurangzeb, when he took over the Mughal throne. Shah Jahan spent the last years of his life in the Agra Fort, where he is said to passed his days looking from the balcony of the Mussaman Burj, a tower in the Agra Fort, towards the Taj Mahal, where his beloved consort Mumtaz Mahal was buried. You can see the view of the Taj Mahal from the Agra Fort, on your tours to Agra India. Agra Hub offers tours to Agra, where you can see the majestic Agra Fort.
Rambagh Gardens Agra
The Rambagh Gardens in Agra, a beautiful Mughal pleasure Garden, are located 3 Km from the Tomb of Itimad ud Daulah and 500 m from the Chini Ka Rauza. You can visit the lovely Rambagh Gardens in Agra, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The Mughal Emperors of India, were very influenced by their Persian background. In Persia, the pleasure garden is an important part of the landscape of every city. The Mughal emperors introduced the same concept in India. In Islam, the garden is considered a representation of Paradise, a word derived from pairidesa, which means land of fairies. Devout Muslims should not only aspire to reach paradise but should strive to create its likeness on earth. Therefore the Mughal Emperors laid out many beautiful gardens to create a paradise within their kingdoms. You can see the beautiful Rambagh Gardens in Agra, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The Rambagh Gardens in Agra or the Bagh-i-Gul Afshan as they are also known, were created by the founder of the Mughal Empire, Babur. Nur Jahan, the Mughal Empress and wife of Jahangir made further additions to the Rambagh Gardens. The garden is laid out in the charbagh pattern, with four main divisions made by paths and waterways. Water is an important part of the Mughal gardens, since water is considered the source of life. Water from the Yamuna River, flows over 3 terraces in a series of cascades. Stairs on either side of the water channels, fountains, an island platform and two pavilions on either side of the main water channel, are added attractions of the Rambagh Gardens Agra, which you can see on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. It is believed that Babur was buried briefly in the Rambagh Gardens before being entombed in his grand mausoleum at Kabul. The Rambagh Gardens in Agra are a historic and beautiful sight that you'll enjoy seeing on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Dayalbagh Agra
Located 15 Km from Agra, Dayalbagh is a unique pilgrimage and tourist site in India. The memorial of Shiv Dayal Sahib the founder of the Radhasoami Satsang movement, who started this religious organization in 1861, is located in Dayalbagh, Agra. The Radhasoami movement combines elements from Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism and Buddhism. You can see the Radhasoami memorial in Dayalbagh Agra, on toursto Agra with Agra Hub.Shiv Dayal Sahib, who lived from 1818-1878 and was known as Soami Maharaj by his disciples, was the first of the Guru's or religious leaders of the Radhasoami sect. He is worshipped at this grand memorial that is a combination of temple, gurudwara, vihara and mosque. The Radhasoami memorial is 110 feet high, has impressive pillars and is made of pure white marble. The building is continuously under construction. Work has been going on at this building for over 100 years. The followers believe that tending the memorial is an ongoing process. You can see the work in progress at the Radhasoami memorial in Dayalbagh Agra, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The marble structure of the Radhasoami memorial at Dayalbagh Agra has fine pietra dura inlay work on the inner walls. You can actually see the work of pietra dura being carried out by the marble cutters and artisans working on the memorial in Dayalbagh Agra on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. Agra Hub offers you tours to Agra, which show you the historic monuments in Agra including the Radhasoami memorial at Dayalbagh Agra.
Fatehpur Sikri Agra
The heritage site of Fatehpur Sikri is located 40 kilometers from Agra India. You can see this magnificent city with its amazing monuments of red sandstone and marble, built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. According to legend, the Emperor Akbar, though he had many wives, did not have an heir. He went on a pilgrimage to Sheikh Salim Chisti, a Sufi saint who lived near Agra and sought his blessings. Akbar was blessed with an heir, who he named Salim, after the saint, in gratitude. (Salim later inherited the throne as the Mughal Emperor Jahangir.) The beautiful monuments at Fatehpur Sikri are a synthesis of Islamic and Hindu architecture reflecting the religious tolerance of Akbar. Akbar also founded a syncretic religion called Din-i-Illahi, which inspired some of the buildings at Fatehpur Sikri. The city of Fatehpur Sikri was built as a sign of the Emperor Akbar's gratitude to Sheikh Salim Chisti. Work on the city started in 1571 and was completed 15 years later. Agra Hub takes you on tours to Agra which include the historic destination of Fatehpur Sikri. Some of the grand structures at Fatehpur Sikri include the Panch Mahal, the Buland Darwaza, the tomb of Salim Chisti, the Jama Masjid Mosque and the life-size chessboard where courtiers could play the role of pieces. The architectural beauty of the monuments of Fatehpur Sikri have led to its being declared a World Heritage Site. Fatehpur Sikri is considered to be one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture in India. You can see the amazing monuments of Fatehpur Sikri on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The city of Fatehpur Sikri was abandoned shortly after Akbar's death because the lack of water made it difficult to sustain the city. The newly built city was deserted and remains in a pristine state, with the beautiful carvings and latticework on the buildings retained in their original state of preservation. You can see the heritage site of Fatehpur Sikri on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Buland Darwaza Agra
The Buland Darwaza is a grand gateway located in Fatehpur Sikri near Agra. This triumphal arch was built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar, when he defeated the king of Khandesh or Gujarat in 1573.The name Buland Darwaza means 'High Door' and this victory arch rises to a height of 40 meters or 175 feet. It is the most striking monument in Fatehpur Sikri and can be seen from quite a distance. Rising impressively towards the sky, the Buland Darwaza is approached by a series of steps. You will pass under the massive arch of the Buland Darwaza when you enter the city of Fatehpur Sikri. You can see the impressive Buland Darwaza on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.The Buland Darwaza is a magnificent structure built in red sandstone with decorations in white marble. With calligraphic inscriptions from the Quran on its front and pillars and chattris on its height, the Buland Darwaza is an impressive sight. The Buland Darwaza is also evidence of the religious tolerance of Akbar the Great. The inscription on the Buland Darwaza is attributed to Jesus Christ. It reads, "The World is but a bridge, pass over but build no houses on it." Situated on a hill where the Jama Masjid Mosque is located, the Buland Darwaza is the entrance gateway to the Jama Masjid mosque in Fatehpur Sikri near Agra India. The soaring gateway of the Buland Darwaza is one of the grandest of Mughal monuments and one that you should not miss, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah
One of the lesser-known monuments of Agra, the tomb of Itimad ud Daulah is sometimes called the 'Baby Taj' because of its resemblance to Agra's most famous monument. However Itmad ud Daulah's Tomb was built before the Taj Mahal. A number of its stylistic features, such as a tomb in white marble surrounded by a formal garden and the use of inlaywork in marble to create floral or geometric designs, inspired similar features of the Taj Mahal. You can see the beautiful tomb of Itmad ud Daulah, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.The tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah is located about 1½ Kilometers from the Taj Mahal. The marble building contains the tombs of Mirza Ghiyas Beg and his wife Asmat Begum. They were the parents of Queen Nur Jahan, the wife of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir. Mirza Ghiyas Beg rose to the rank of Prime Minister of the Mughal Empire during the reign of Jahangir and was granted the title Itmad-ud-Daulah, which means Pillar of the State. You can see his serene mausoleum on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. After Mirza Ghiyas Beg's death in 1622, the Empress Nur Jahan, completed this beautiful mausoleum to house his grave. The tomb had already been planned by her father before his death. It follows the charbagh pattern and is a white marble structure surrounded by green lawns. The tomb is 21 meters high and there are 4 minarets that are 12 meters tall, at each of the 4 corners of the marble platform. A similar pattern is reproduced in the Taj Mahal on a much larger scale. The marble inlay work at the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah, known as pietra dura, depicts a wine flask with snakes in place of handles on the inner walls of the tomb. Marble lattice screens let sunlight into the central chamber containing the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah. You're sure to feel transported back to Mughal times when you see the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah, on tours to Agra India, with Agra Hub.Agra Hub offers tours to Agra, where you can see the monuments of Agra, including the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daulah
Jama Masjid Agra
While traveling to Agra with Agra Hub, you will also visit the heritage destination of Fatehpur Sikri. Fatehpur Sikri has many grand monuments including the mosque known as the Jama Masjid.The Jama Masjid at Fatehpur Sikri, near Agra is also known as the Jami Masjid. The mosque is one of the largest in India. It was constructed in 1571 A.D. during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great. The mosque is built at a height due due its exalted purpose and has a large courtyard where the faithful can gather to pray. To the right of the mosque is the Jammat Khana hall and then the Zenana Rauza, or the tomb of the women of the royal household. Within the mosque complex you will find the shrine of the Sufi religious leader Sheikh Salim Chisti. The lattice marble screens of the tomb are amazing in their workmanship. The tomb was earlier built in red sandstone and parts of the original structure can also be seen. You can see the tomb of Sheikh Salim Chisti on tours of the Jama Masjid Agra with Agra Hub. The Jama Masjid is exquisitely decorated with inscriptions, inlaid geometric designs and colored tiles. The building is symmetrically proportioned and has an austere beauty, befitting its religious purpose. You can see the Jama Masjid Agra on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.The main entrance to the Jama Masjid mosque in Agra, is through the grand gateway known as the Buland Darwaza. Another entrance is though the Badshahi Darwaza. The Jama Masjid Agra is the center of the city of Fatehpur Sikri, which was built around it. You can see the city of Fatehpur Sikri and its heart the Jama Masjid, on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra
A short distance from Agra, lies the tomb of the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great, in Sikandra. Akbar who ruled over the Mughal Empire from 1556 to 1605, began building his mausoleum in the spartan style of Timurid architecture. The mausoleum was completed by his son, the next Mughal Emperor, Jahangir, who added more decorative elements to the design of Akbar's tomb in Sikandra. You can see Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra, on tours to Agra, with Agra Hub. The entrance to Akbar's tomb in Sikandra is under a huge arched gateway, similar to the Buland Darwaza at Fatehpur Sikri. There are beautiful calligraphic inscriptions on the white marble front of the gate. As you enter the gate you will see a formal garden in the charbagh tradition, and the tomb of Akbar situated at the center. Within the same complex is another sober tomb made of red sandstone, which contains the grave of Akbar's wife Mariam, the mother of Jahangir. Akbar's tomb in Sikandra is built in a pyramidal shape, with an open terrace covered with carved latticework screens. The actual grave is in the basement and is decorated with paintings in colorful golden, green and blue hues on the stucco walls. While the tomb is not magnificent in the manner of the Taj Mahal, it has a quiet dignity that befits this regal emperor. There are lawns outside the impressive gateway, where deer can be seen. Birds nest in the trees leading to the gate and monkeys, which have got used to visitors, scamper up curiously hoping to be fed. The serene location of Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra makes it a quiet retreat, where you can spend some time admiring the architecture and wondering about the life and times of the greatest of the Mughal Emperors. Agra Hub offers tours to Agra, where you can see the monuments of Agra including Akbar's tomb in Sikandra.
Chini ka Rauza Agra
One of the lesser-known monuments of Agra is the tomb known as the Chini ka Rauza, which is situated 1 Kilometer north of Itimad ud Daulah's Tomb. You can see the historic Chini ka Rauza on tours of Agra with AgraHub.The Chini ka Rauza was built in 1635 and is the tomb of Allama Afzal Khan Mullah of Shiraz, a scholar and poet who was the Prime Minister of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. The tomb gets its name from the colorful tiles (chini) that cover the walls of the tomb. The tomb is built in a rectangular shape and is topped with a bulbous dome. The tomb itself is made of a brown colored stone and is crumbling away. The colorful enamel tiles in blue, green and yellow, that give the tomb its name can be seen on its walls. The walls and ceiling of the tomb are also decorated with inscriptions and inlay work. You can see these decorative elements in the Chini ka Rauza on tours to Agra with Agra Hub. The central chamber of the Chini ka Rauza is octagonal in shape and has eight arched recesses. Four, square chambers emerge from the central chamber and are connected to the side halls and outer porches. The central arch through which you can enter the Chini ka Rauza features inscriptions marked out with blue colored tiles. Borders in blue green and yellow tiles surround these inscriptions. The Chini ka Rauza is a serene and charming tourist spot. You can see the Chini ka Rauza on tours to Agra with Agra Hub.
Taj Mahal Trivia
The Taj Mahal is a monument with a rich and colorful history. An immortal love story inspired the Taj Mahal and there's lots more Taj Mahal trivia and interesting details about this wondrous monument.
It is said that Shah Jahan wanted to build an equally grand tomb for himself on the other bank of the River Yamuna in Agra. His mausoleum would be made in black marble and the two monuments would complement each other in their design.
Mumtaz Mahal means "Exalted one of the Palace." This was what Shah Jahan called her. Her actual name was Arjumand Banu Begum.
The term Taj Mahal is possible a contraction of the Empress's name and means "Crown of the Palace"
Shah Jahan was known as Khurram before he ascended to the Mughal Throne.
Mumtaz Mahal was Shah Jahan's second wife, but was his favorite.
Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan had 14 children
20,000 laborers worked for 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.
1000 elephants were used to transport the materials required for the construction of the Taj Mahal.
The Taj Mahal is said to have been built at a cost of 32 million rupees.
The white marble used to construct the Taj Mahal, was brought from Makrana in Rajasthan India.
28 different kinds of semi-precious stones were used in the inlay work in the Taj Mahal.
These included Turquoise from Tibet, Sapphires from Sri Lanka and Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan.
The inlay work on the inner walls of the Taj Mahal is called pietra dura, which refers to the embedding of hard or durable stones within soft stones for decorative effect.
It is said that Shah Jahan wanted to ensure that his master craftsmen would not build anything as beautiful again and had their hands amputated or eyes put out, after the completion of the Taj Mahal.
The Taj mahal is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was added to the UNESCO list of world heritage sites in 1983, and described as "The jewel of Muslim art in India"
Humayun's Tomb, Delhi
Humayun's tomb lies on the Mathura road near its crossing with the Lodi Road. High rubble-built walls enclose here a square garden divided initially into four large squares separated by causeways and channels, each square divided again into smaller squares by pathways ('Chaharbagh') as in a typical Mughal Garden.
The lofty mausoleum is located in the centre of the enclosure and rises from a podium faced with series of cells with arched openings. The central octagonal chamber containing the cenotaph is encompassed by octagonal chambers at the diagonals and arched lobbies on the sides, their openings closed with perforated screens. Three emphatic arches dominate each side, the central one being the highest. This plan is repeated on the second storey, and a 42.5m high double dome of marble surmounts the roof with pillared kiosks ('chhatris') placed around it. The structure is built with red sandstone, but white and black marble has been used to relieve the monotony, the latter largely in the borders.
Qutab Minar, Delhi
In 1199, Qutub-ud-Din raised the Qutub Minar either as a victory tower or as a minaret to the adjacent mosque. From a base of 14.32m it tapers to 2.75m at a height of 72.5m and a valid reason why it took two decades to complete this monument.
Its a red sandstone tower covered with beautiful and striking carvings and is inscribed with verses from the holy Quran. Qutub Minar is still the highest stone tower in India as well as one of the finest Islamic structures ever raised and Delhi's recognised landmark. The sultan's successor and son-in-law, Iltutmish, completed it.In 1303, Ala-ud-Din established the second city of Delhi, called Siri, of which nothing remains but the embattlements. He also had dug a vast reservoir, Hauz Khas, to supply water to his city. Contemporary historians describe the Delhi of that time as being the "envy of Baghdad, the rival of Cairo and equal to Constantinople".For the sake of convenience, tourists visiting the Qutub Complex could also see the Tomb of Adham Khan and Zafar Mahal in Mehrauli and the Tomb of Jamali-Kamali behind the Qutub Minar. These however, belong to a later date.
The Great Preasident Of India
Born on 15th October 1931 at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu, Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, specialized in Aeronautical Engineering from Madras Institute of Technology. Dr. Kalam made significant contribution as Project Director to develop India's first indigenous Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III) which successfully injected the Rohini satellite in the near earth orbit in July 1980 and made India an exclusive member of Space Club. He was responsible for the evolution of ISRO's launch vehicle programme, particularly the PSLV configuration. After working for two decades in ISRO and mastering launch vehicle technologies, Dr. Kalam took up the responsibility of developing Indigenous Guided Missiles at Defence Research and Development Organisation as the Chief Executive of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). He was responsible for the development and operationalisation of AGNI and PRITHVI Missiles and for building indigenous capability in critical technologies through networking of multiple institutions. He was the Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister and Secretary, Department of Defence Research & Development from July 1992 to December 1999. During this period he led to the weaponisation of strategic missile systems and the Pokhran-II nuclear tests in collaboration with Department of Atomic Energy, which made India a nuclear weapon State. He also gave thrust to self-reliance in defence systems by progressing multiple development tasks and mission projects such as Light Combat Aircraft.
As Chairman of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) and as an eminent scientist, he led the country with the help of 500 experts to arrive at Technology Vision 2020 giving a road map for transforming India from the present developing status to a developed nation. Dr. Kalam has served as the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, in the rank of Cabinet Minister, from November 1999 to November 2001 and was responsible for evolving policies, strategies and missions for many development applications. Dr. Kalam was also the Chairman, Ex-officio, of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Cabinet (SAC-C) and piloted India Millennium Mission 2020.
Dr. Kalam took up academic pursuit as Professor, Technology & Societal Transformation at Anna University, Chennai from November 2001 and was involved in teaching and research tasks. Above all he took up a mission to ignite the young minds for national development by meeting high school students across the country.
In his literary pursuit four of Dr. Kalam's books - "Wings of Fire", "India 2020 - A Vision for the New Millennium", "My journey" and "Ignited Minds - Unleashing the power within India" have become household names in India and among the Indian nationals abroad. These books have been translated in many Indian languages.
Dr. Kalam is one of the most distinguished scientists of India with the unique honour of receiving honorary doctorates from 30 universities and institutions. He has been awarded the coveted civilian awards - Padma Bhushan (1981) and Padma Vibhushan (1990) and the highest civilian award Bharat Ratna (1997). He is a recipient of several other awards and Fellow of many professional institutions.
Dr. Kalam became the 11th President of India on 25th July 2002. His focus is on transforming India into a developed nation by 2020.
As Chairman of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) and as an eminent scientist, he led the country with the help of 500 experts to arrive at Technology Vision 2020 giving a road map for transforming India from the present developing status to a developed nation. Dr. Kalam has served as the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, in the rank of Cabinet Minister, from November 1999 to November 2001 and was responsible for evolving policies, strategies and missions for many development applications. Dr. Kalam was also the Chairman, Ex-officio, of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Cabinet (SAC-C) and piloted India Millennium Mission 2020.
Dr. Kalam took up academic pursuit as Professor, Technology & Societal Transformation at Anna University, Chennai from November 2001 and was involved in teaching and research tasks. Above all he took up a mission to ignite the young minds for national development by meeting high school students across the country.
In his literary pursuit four of Dr. Kalam's books - "Wings of Fire", "India 2020 - A Vision for the New Millennium", "My journey" and "Ignited Minds - Unleashing the power within India" have become household names in India and among the Indian nationals abroad. These books have been translated in many Indian languages.
Dr. Kalam is one of the most distinguished scientists of India with the unique honour of receiving honorary doctorates from 30 universities and institutions. He has been awarded the coveted civilian awards - Padma Bhushan (1981) and Padma Vibhushan (1990) and the highest civilian award Bharat Ratna (1997). He is a recipient of several other awards and Fellow of many professional institutions.
Dr. Kalam became the 11th President of India on 25th July 2002. His focus is on transforming India into a developed nation by 2020.
My Favourite Harry Potter

Tone of book - very upbeat FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION? - science fiction story Coming of age Yes Youngster becomes - a powerful magician Spying & Investigations Yes What is main char. doing? - finding a killer (criminal) Mental/magical powers focus Yes magical powers: - Jedi powers Is this an adult or child's book? - Kid's book (ages 7-14) Main Character Identity: - Male Profession/status: - student Age: - a kid Has magical/special powers? Yes Magical/mental powers of main character: - can talk to animals - can cast many different spells - Invisibility Is this an ordinary person caught up in events? Yes How sensitive is this character? - sensitive to others' feelings Sense of humor - Strong but gentle sense of humor Intelligence - Smarter than most other characters Physique - average physique Main Adversary Identity: - magical being Age: - long-lived adults Profession/status: - mage/magician Has magical powers? Yes Magical/mental powers of main antagonist: - can change shapes - can talk to animals - can cast all sorts of spells Eccentric: Yes How sensitive is this character? - mean, arrogant Sense of humor - Cynical sense of humor Intelligence - Smarter than most other characters Physique - average physique Setting Terrain - Forests Earth setting: - 20th century - current (early 21st century) Takes place on Earth? Yes Style Person? - mostly 3rd Accounts of torture and death? - generic/vague references to death/punishment How much dialogue? - roughly even amounts of descript and dialog
Lord Voldemort, an evil and powerful dark wizard, has just been defeated. When he tried to kill a one-year-old boy, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), the killing curse rebounded upon him, destroying his body. Harry is left an orphan with a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead, Voldemort having killed his parents, Lily (Geraldine Somerville) and James (Adrian Rawlins) Potter. Professors Dumbledore (Richard Harris) and McGonagall (Dame Maggie Smith) and Gamekeeper Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) leave him on the doorstep of his ultra-conventional, insensitive, negligent Muggle (non-magical) relatives, the Dursley family, who take him in. Harry's relatives decide to conceal his magical heritage from him and make him live in a cupboard under the stairs for ten years.Shortly before Harry's eleventh birthday, he receives a letter addressed specifically to him. His outraged uncle, however, reads and burns it before Harry has a chance to look at the contents. The sender does not give up, and the Dursleys receive successively larger numbers of the same correspondence. Soon, his Uncle Vernon (Richard Griffiths) becomes so paranoid that the Dursleys, with Harry in tow, hide in a hut on a small island to escape. That night (which happens to be before Harry's birthday), he is visited by an enormous man named Hagrid who bursts through the locked door of the hut. With Hagrid holding the Dursleys at bay, Harry finally reads his letter, in which he learns he has been invited to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The next day Harry and Hagrid leave the hut and head to Diagon Alley in London (the secret magical location hidden behind the famous wizarding pub The Leaky Cauldron). Harry enters the wizarding world for the first time, learns to his surprise that he is famous, and meets the new Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell (Ian Hart). He takes the train to Hogwarts from Platform Nine and three-quarters, befriending Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint), and meeting Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), a Muggle-born witch.Upon arrival, the Sorting Hat places Harry, Ron and Hermione in Gryffindor House. Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), an arrogant and elitist student, gets placed in Slytherin. At the end of his first week at Hogwarts Harry and Ron discover that Gringotts, the wizarding bank, was broken into and a vault that Harry and Hagrid visited had been the subject of the robbery. Later, Harry discovers he has a talent for riding broomsticks, and after an incident with Malfoy, is recruited to join Gryffindor's Quidditch team as a Seeker. He is the youngest Quidditch player at the school in a century, much to Malfoy's displeasure.Harry, Ron, Hermione explore Hogwarts late at night and accidentally stumble across the door to a corridor. A three-headed dog, christened Fluffy by Hagrid, guards a trapdoor. On Halloween, Quirrell informs everyone that a troll has entered the castle; it gets locked in the girls' bathroom by Ron and Harry, where Hermione is crying after Ron has insulted her. When they realize their mistake, Harry and Ron fight the troll to save Hermione, and the three become best friends.At Harry's first Quidditch match, Harry's broom becomes possessed, nearly knocking him off. Hermione sees Professor Severus Snape (Alan Rickman), the sinister Potions master and head of Slytherin House, staring at Harry and mouthing words, making her believe that Snape has caused the broom to misbehave with a dark curse. Hoping to save Harry, Hermione sets Snape's robes on fire, distracting him and others and allowing Harry to survive.At Christmas, Harry receives an Invisibility Cloak, once belonging to his father, which renders its wearer invisible. Harry uses it to explore the Restricted Section in the library to research information on Nicolas Flamel, a name Hagrid lets slip when confronted about his knowledge of Fluffy. Eventually, Harry learns that "Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone, which produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal."Harry sees Snape trying to get information from Quirrell about getting past Fluffy; Quirrell says he does not know what he's talking about. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are sure that Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone in order to restore Lord Voldemort to power, but Hagrid denies it. While at Hagrid's hut, the trio discover a dragon egg Hagrid was nursing in a fire. Later the egg hatches a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon, and Hagrid decides to call him "Norbert". The friends are nervous for Hagrid, since dragon breeding had long been outlawed in the wizarding world, and Hagrid had something of a reckless nature, who has long since nursed a strong desire for a dragon. Finally, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are able to convince Hagrid to let Norbert go live with other dragons of his kind in Romania, and arranged for the dragon, (now quite large in size), to be picked up by Ron's older dragon trainer brother, Charlie.Harry, Hermione. and Draco are caught out late at night (Ron is meanwhile in the hospital wing, being treated for a bite from Norbert), and are forced to serve detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. Harry sees a hooded figure drink the blood of an injured unicorn, which makes Harry's forehead scar start burning. Firenze, a centaur, tells Harry that it is a monstrous thing to slay a unicorn, let alone drink its blood. He also tells Harry that unicorn blood is like Elixir of Life, and that the hooded figure is in fact Voldemort.Harry, Hermione and Ron find out that Hagrid, while he was drunk in a pub, has told a hooded stranger how to get past Fluffy, and they believe the theft of the Stone is imminent. Rushing to finally confide in Professor Dumbledore their news, they meet Professor McGonagall, who is shocked to find out how much they knew about the Stone, but reassures them all the same that it is safe in the castle. She also tells them that Dumbledore has been sent away on an important mission by the Ministry of Magic. Positive that Dumbledore's summons was a red herring to take Professor Dumbledore away from Hogwarts, the trio make plans to thwart Snape's theft of the stone. They set out to reach the stone first, navigating the security system set up by the school's staff, which is a series of complex magical challenges. The three make it through together until finally, Harry must enter the inner chamber alone. There he finds that meek Professor Quirrell, not Snape, is attempting to steal the Stone. Realizing that Snape was trying to protect him from harm all along, Harry confronts Quirrell and survives a second encounter with Lord Voldemort, who has possessed Quirrell and appears as a ghastly face on the back of Quirrell's head. Quirrell gets blisters when he touches Harry's skin, and Harry suffers because of his close proximity to Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore arrives just in time to rescue Harry. Voldemort then pitilessly abandons Quirrell, who dies in the aftermath of his possession.Dumbledore reveals to Harry that Harry's mother died to protect Harry as an infant. Her pure, loving sacrifice provides Harry with an ancient magical protection from Voldemort's lethal spells and also prevents Voldemort from touching Harry without suffering terribly. Dumbledore also says that the Sorcerer's Stone has been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to steal it.Whilst in the Hospital wing Harry asks Dumbledore why Voldemort attempted to kill him when he was a young child. Dumbledore tells Harry when he is old enough he will tell him why.Finally, at the end-of-year feast, the House Points totals are given: Gryffindor is in last place. However, Dumbledore gives a few "last-minute additions", granting points to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, so that Gryffindor wins the House Cup.
Lord Voldemort, an evil and powerful dark wizard, has just been defeated. When he tried to kill a one-year-old boy, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), the killing curse rebounded upon him, destroying his body. Harry is left an orphan with a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead, Voldemort having killed his parents, Lily (Geraldine Somerville) and James (Adrian Rawlins) Potter. Professors Dumbledore (Richard Harris) and McGonagall (Dame Maggie Smith) and Gamekeeper Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) leave him on the doorstep of his ultra-conventional, insensitive, negligent Muggle (non-magical) relatives, the Dursley family, who take him in. Harry's relatives decide to conceal his magical heritage from him and make him live in a cupboard under the stairs for ten years.Shortly before Harry's eleventh birthday, he receives a letter addressed specifically to him. His outraged uncle, however, reads and burns it before Harry has a chance to look at the contents. The sender does not give up, and the Dursleys receive successively larger numbers of the same correspondence. Soon, his Uncle Vernon (Richard Griffiths) becomes so paranoid that the Dursleys, with Harry in tow, hide in a hut on a small island to escape. That night (which happens to be before Harry's birthday), he is visited by an enormous man named Hagrid who bursts through the locked door of the hut. With Hagrid holding the Dursleys at bay, Harry finally reads his letter, in which he learns he has been invited to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The next day Harry and Hagrid leave the hut and head to Diagon Alley in London (the secret magical location hidden behind the famous wizarding pub The Leaky Cauldron). Harry enters the wizarding world for the first time, learns to his surprise that he is famous, and meets the new Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell (Ian Hart). He takes the train to Hogwarts from Platform Nine and three-quarters, befriending Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint), and meeting Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), a Muggle-born witch.Upon arrival, the Sorting Hat places Harry, Ron and Hermione in Gryffindor House. Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), an arrogant and elitist student, gets placed in Slytherin. At the end of his first week at Hogwarts Harry and Ron discover that Gringotts, the wizarding bank, was broken into and a vault that Harry and Hagrid visited had been the subject of the robbery. Later, Harry discovers he has a talent for riding broomsticks, and after an incident with Malfoy, is recruited to join Gryffindor's Quidditch team as a Seeker. He is the youngest Quidditch player at the school in a century, much to Malfoy's displeasure.Harry, Ron, Hermione explore Hogwarts late at night and accidentally stumble across the door to a corridor. A three-headed dog, christened Fluffy by Hagrid, guards a trapdoor. On Halloween, Quirrell informs everyone that a troll has entered the castle; it gets locked in the girls' bathroom by Ron and Harry, where Hermione is crying after Ron has insulted her. When they realize their mistake, Harry and Ron fight the troll to save Hermione, and the three become best friends.At Harry's first Quidditch match, Harry's broom becomes possessed, nearly knocking him off. Hermione sees Professor Severus Snape (Alan Rickman), the sinister Potions master and head of Slytherin House, staring at Harry and mouthing words, making her believe that Snape has caused the broom to misbehave with a dark curse. Hoping to save Harry, Hermione sets Snape's robes on fire, distracting him and others and allowing Harry to survive.At Christmas, Harry receives an Invisibility Cloak, once belonging to his father, which renders its wearer invisible. Harry uses it to explore the Restricted Section in the library to research information on Nicolas Flamel, a name Hagrid lets slip when confronted about his knowledge of Fluffy. Eventually, Harry learns that "Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone, which produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal."Harry sees Snape trying to get information from Quirrell about getting past Fluffy; Quirrell says he does not know what he's talking about. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are sure that Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone in order to restore Lord Voldemort to power, but Hagrid denies it. While at Hagrid's hut, the trio discover a dragon egg Hagrid was nursing in a fire. Later the egg hatches a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon, and Hagrid decides to call him "Norbert". The friends are nervous for Hagrid, since dragon breeding had long been outlawed in the wizarding world, and Hagrid had something of a reckless nature, who has long since nursed a strong desire for a dragon. Finally, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are able to convince Hagrid to let Norbert go live with other dragons of his kind in Romania, and arranged for the dragon, (now quite large in size), to be picked up by Ron's older dragon trainer brother, Charlie.Harry, Hermione. and Draco are caught out late at night (Ron is meanwhile in the hospital wing, being treated for a bite from Norbert), and are forced to serve detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. Harry sees a hooded figure drink the blood of an injured unicorn, which makes Harry's forehead scar start burning. Firenze, a centaur, tells Harry that it is a monstrous thing to slay a unicorn, let alone drink its blood. He also tells Harry that unicorn blood is like Elixir of Life, and that the hooded figure is in fact Voldemort.Harry, Hermione and Ron find out that Hagrid, while he was drunk in a pub, has told a hooded stranger how to get past Fluffy, and they believe the theft of the Stone is imminent. Rushing to finally confide in Professor Dumbledore their news, they meet Professor McGonagall, who is shocked to find out how much they knew about the Stone, but reassures them all the same that it is safe in the castle. She also tells them that Dumbledore has been sent away on an important mission by the Ministry of Magic. Positive that Dumbledore's summons was a red herring to take Professor Dumbledore away from Hogwarts, the trio make plans to thwart Snape's theft of the stone. They set out to reach the stone first, navigating the security system set up by the school's staff, which is a series of complex magical challenges. The three make it through together until finally, Harry must enter the inner chamber alone. There he finds that meek Professor Quirrell, not Snape, is attempting to steal the Stone. Realizing that Snape was trying to protect him from harm all along, Harry confronts Quirrell and survives a second encounter with Lord Voldemort, who has possessed Quirrell and appears as a ghastly face on the back of Quirrell's head. Quirrell gets blisters when he touches Harry's skin, and Harry suffers because of his close proximity to Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore arrives just in time to rescue Harry. Voldemort then pitilessly abandons Quirrell, who dies in the aftermath of his possession.Dumbledore reveals to Harry that Harry's mother died to protect Harry as an infant. Her pure, loving sacrifice provides Harry with an ancient magical protection from Voldemort's lethal spells and also prevents Voldemort from touching Harry without suffering terribly. Dumbledore also says that the Sorcerer's Stone has been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to steal it.Whilst in the Hospital wing Harry asks Dumbledore why Voldemort attempted to kill him when he was a young child. Dumbledore tells Harry when he is old enough he will tell him why.Finally, at the end-of-year feast, the House Points totals are given: Gryffindor is in last place. However, Dumbledore gives a few "last-minute additions", granting points to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, so that Gryffindor wins the House Cup.
information:i am Syed Zuhaib Ahmed studying in 8th std In Dubai :
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